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Logotipo del espíritu de Gresham.

Miércoles en el parque

Parques de Gresham


Center For The Arts Foundation brings exciting Line-Ups to Gresham in this Free Concert Series July thru August!

The Center For the Arts Foundation is excited to announce the line-ups for our annual line-up for the 2nd annual Wednesday Music in the Parks series held in parks around Gresham.

These series continue the commitment of the Foundation to bring diverse, exciting line-ups of musicians to the community for FREE family-friendly events.


Wednesday Music in the Parks concerts run 6:30-8:30 pm every other Wednesday of July and August, starting July 12th, and will include food vendors and beer/wine at each event.


At each event, there will be ways to support the Center For The Arts Foundation’s efforts to bring art and culture to the community.

Join us in supporting the arts in our community; providing a positive, cultural performance to expose new and traditional arts; and supporting artists who were hit hard during the pandemic.

These series are able to be produced thanks to local sponsors, including City of Gresham; KMO Real Estate; TriMet; Clackamas County Bank; Gresham Ford; McDonald Wetle; Miller & Main, LLC; USWC Taekwondo; SDF Collective; The Outlook; Brainjar Media; METRO; and many more.

¿Te encanta lo que escuchas?

En cada evento, habrá formas de apoyar los esfuerzos de la Fundación del Centro para las Artes para llevar el arte y la cultura a la comunidad.

Únase a nosotros para apoyar las artes en nuestra comunidad; brindar una presentación cultural positiva para exponer artes nuevas y tradicionales; y apoyar a los artistas que se vieron duramente afectados durante la pandemia.

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Si estás interesado en patrocinio contáctanos AQUÍ
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La Junta Directiva de la Fundación apoya firmemente la celebración de la variedad de culturas que se encuentran en nuestra comunidad.

¡Demos las gracias a nuestros patrocinadores!

Gracias por hacer esto posible, es un gran lugar para llevar a la familia.

Amanda J.

WIP Dates

¡Nos vemos allí!

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